Nicole Fox, winner of Cycle 13 of America's Next Top Model. What a face.

I love the waifish quality of her figure. The curve of her left leg in the picture above is seriously to die for.

Cycle 13 of ANTM was for "short girls" - girls 5'7" and under. How laughable, seriously. It was a blow to my pride to be honest. I'm 5'2" so I must be midget-sized.
I was particularly surprised that this cycle was so diverse. I'm seemed kind of disingenuous. Of course they cast deliberately with all kinds of things in mind... I mean 4 black girls, the token Asian, the Latina, the redhead, the mama, the dancer, the lesbian, the foster kid, the math nerd, the awkward girl, the previously abused, the small town girl... on and on and on...
Nicole Fox was a favorite to win from the very beginning, at least in my book. Her awkwardness was endearing and she got brownie points for being an artist. But it was really her look that got me. She's atypically pretty and I love a model with a unique look. Ugly pretty is so fitting for fashion. And I think I'm a little too obsessed with the angle of her legs...
I also thought Laura Kirkpatrick was so cute with her thick accent and small-town sensibilities. She is most definitely a classic beauty...

Botticelli's Venus, anyone? The girl is all curves. There is not an angle on her face. I think she is the paragon of womanliness, a veritable modern incarnation of Venus, if you will, and very suited for swimsuits and underwear. I just don't see her as a fashion model.
Another girl that had my attention was Brittany Markert, the math nerd. They made her into a brunette and I kept thinking of Dr. Temperance Brennan aka Bones (Emily Deschanel). It was probably the cold rationality of her personality and that jawline that speaks, "determination."

Two other brunettes with square jaws of determination that I'm familiar with? Dr. Allison Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) and Dr. Remy Hadley aka Thirteen (Olivia Wilde). The square jaw is not at all an uncommon trait especially in the entertainment industry. It's not a secret that a well defined jaw is a marked characteristic of beauty.
Above is Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring. I immediately thought of her when Tyra did the "scarves" photoshoot with the girls. I think it was easily the most beautiful set of photos.

And to end the post my favorite picture of the season...

1 comment:
You're 5'2"? I'm 5'-nothing! SIGH. Midget love xx
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