Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Book Cover Scavenger Hunt

Find a book with the listed item on the cover and read it!

  1. The physical copy of the book being read must have the image on the cover. 
  2. Must be a book you have not read before.
  3. A book cannot fill more than one category.
  4. Book must be approved by the other participants of this game.
  5. A book cannot be read by another participate, regardless of whether it is to fill another category.

< the list >
Category - Title, Author (Date Completed)
Abs - 

Blood - Critique of Criminal Reason, Michael Gregorio (6/2/12)

Cat - 
Dragon - 

Earring - The Age of Innocence, Edith Wharton (8/19/12)

Flames - A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess (5/28/12)

Ghost - 
Hat -
Ice -
Jumping -

Knight - The Story of King Arthur and His Knights, Howard Pyle

Legs -

Mustache - God and the State, Michael Bakunin (9/11/12)

Neon -

Open door or window - Cat's Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut (6/8/12)

Protein -
Quartet (1st book of a quartet) -
Rain -
Smoke -
Tie -
Urban landscape -
Vampire -
Werewolf (wolf + man) -
X-ray -
Yarn -

"Z" the letter - The Marriage Plot, Jeffery Eugenides (7/22/12)

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