Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Sweet

Your tight-lipped smile hides them,
Chiclets embedded in pink bubblegum.
Laugh. Show me your glistening coral gem.

I can't let a thin line keep me from
my tender sweetness underneath:
Chiclets embedded in pink bubblegum.

For you I crack a joke and show my teeth.
Your brilliant-cut diamond eyes graze
my tender sweetness underneath.

To you I entreat, as my star-studded gaze
bites into your lush cherry lips.
Your brilliant-cut diamond eyes graze.

But nary a word of reply, slips
on jewel, past candy gums with haste;
bites into your lush cherry lips.

So you entice me to steal a taste
with tongue pressed, to lick them,
on jewel, past candy gums with haste.
Laugh. Show me your glistening coral gem.

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