Monday, January 2, 2012

Hello, 2012!

I'm not at all a holiday person, but I really do love New Year's, not the specific day or the celebration but the general sentiment of it. The changing of the year prompts us to reflect on the year gone by and consider the opportunities for growth in the new year.

This past year of 2011 was one of the most surprising years to date. A lot of things happened. For me it was a year of ends and beginnings. It was a year of a lot of firsts and a year of re-connections.

Looking back on it all I don't think I've had quite a year like this since 2005, a year that truly felt life-changing. Plus, I haven't felt more nostalgic since that 05-06 transition. Everything seemed to decline after that and culminated in 2009 with a fantastic year of depressive self-loathing.

Then things picked up again in 2010, which was a year about self-improvement and finding solace in routine. It was in part about starting to become a grown-up through my own free will. Then 2011 was about "conscious consumption" and "cultivated expression", actively choosing what to bring into my life and learning how to express myself about those things.

I feel like I spent the past two years learning about being an adult, and I want 2012 to be a beginning of a time where I am an adult. I want it to be about really getting things done. I guess this is a want to change my point of view, a want for a new outlook.

Specifically, in 2012 I hope to finish some of the things I've started in my last 24 years of life. I think that would be a nice change.

And as always I wish for peace, love, and prosperity in the new year.

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