Monday, February 16, 2009

Fuji Instax Mini

So I've been keeping an eye out for good deals on the Fuji Instax Mini.

I was keeping an eye on an eBay bid, but I missed the auction close because I was doing my homework. I feel ambivalent about that...

I really want the camera, but I'm not sure if I really need it right now. I'm kind of low on on the moo-la so I can't really justify spending any money for a novelty/luxury item at this point. (Especially after I splurged on a leather bag and shoes not too long ago.)

I'm thinking I'll be in better shape once I graduate...
Hopefully I'll be in better shape once I graduate.
I've only got a couple more months to suffer through and then I'll be free of this institution.

I am just not cut out for school.

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